Let’s Occupy a Vital Earth (L.O.V.E.)

Let’s Occupy a Vital Earth! Try it on. See if it fits and whether you’d be comfortable in adopting it when the Occupation of Wall Street and the protest at a thousand other locations worldwide comes to end.

And end it will, with nothing to commemorate it save historians remembering in their books the greatest mass demonstration since Abraham protested the Tower of Babel.

And just like Babel, this rising up will fall into ashes, unless we harness the spirit from this “cry in the wilderness” and put it  into action. An action that is both “for” and “against” the economic system we work in, if we’re lucky enough to have a decent job to work.

How can we do this? — Simply by creating a group of conscientious citizens to recommend improving the economic lot of mankind. Form a committee from a variety of backgrounds whose principal task would be to monitor human affairs from a perspective of ethics and morality. Join religious, political and scientific people together with bankers, artists, lawyers and environmentalists. Recruit poets, academics and writers and set their task to devise a system of commerce that encourages profits but inhibits the destructive competitiveness that places the pursuit of money above all other desires, above all other values.

The wealthiest and most powerful nations understand you cannot neglect basic human values. The Ninety-Nine Percenters are reminding them they need to change. They should accept a universal responsibility for the common good and the social contract they have with not only the less fortunate, but those of us with some economic security who know deep inside what the One Percent is doing must end.

Once recommendations are made, the Committee would send its ideas to splinter groups of like-minded persons in each city, state and country whose citizens could benefit from implementations. Publicize the names of banks, savings and loans and institutions that begin to comply with the voluntary suggestions. Let those with capital decide where to put their investments to perhaps take in less profit, but give much more back to those that helped us with our gains.

L.O.V.E. — that and good old fashioned compassion will help in the pursuit of happiness, while relieving suffering for others. Try it. It may grow on  you. 

19 comments on “Let’s Occupy a Vital Earth (L.O.V.E.)

  1. karen says:

    Miss you Michael!

    -Your friends, Karen and Rufa


  2. souldipper says:

    Livvy has the idea! This is an inside job. Each one of us have to see how we are contributing – and if it’s to the problem or the solution.

    Our decisions have great power. We have to live them.


    • livvy1234 says:

      Hi souldipper. I am new here. How do you feel you can make a contribution in these stressful times? I write tons of letters each year to politicians on all sorts of bills and issues. I see alot of hypocrisy.

      I post peace and inspirational videos of music and healing words for everyone to read on facebook. I relieve my own sorrow about the world doing this, and I see many others are using facebook to do the same. I also spend alot of time walking in the woods each week. I get away from the craziness of the “house of mirrors” world. I also do Ikebana, which is Japanese flower arranging. It is a meditative action that calms my mind. Of course, my dogs help me considerably. They continue to bring love and joy into my life each day. Yes, we have to step back and do our inventory each day or at least over a period of time, to note whether we are living responsibly, or falling off track. We do the best we can. That is all we can do.


      • contoveros says:

        I had to remove myself from posting on this Blog after writing 500 articles, only some 50 of which were re-writes from such sources as the Thirty Seven Bodhisattva Practices and quotes from the Dalai Lama and Thich Nhat Hanh.

        I studied and immersed myself in Kabbalah, exposing the Light from “groups of friends” Buddhists refer to as “sanghas.” I know there is a higher force (call it Divine) that acts within the affairs of men and women (call it “karma rising”), but we can’t always understand its (His) complex maneuverings. I do believe, however, that it is always for the good, even though I will never understand what good there might be in somethings like the Holocaust or the Democratic Party (just kidding, my fellow Dems.)

        Like Aristotle once said, “all things in moderation” can make up the Golden Mean. I am still learning to pace myself, one project I throw myself into after another.


        • contoveros says:


          (I haven’t called you that since writing “Mary’s tears” which seems like a lifetime ago.)

          Livvy is right and as soon as she gets her “sea legs” to traverse this WordPress ship, she will swab the deck with a cleansing agent to purify the steps taken by even the most crusty old pirate from Wall Street.

          (Did I just write that? “Crusty Old Pirate?” I must think we’re occupying Treasure Island with the likes of Long John Silver captaining our economic voyage with the Jolly Roger flying above!)


        • livvy1234 says:

          I have always been interested in studying the Kabbalah but immersed myself in Zen the last ten years. The final 3 years of study were spent inside a Soto Zen Center numerous times a week. I have done many retreats, started out with retreating with the niece of Thich Nhat Hanh, Fred Eppsteiner, Soyal Rinpoche, two Tibetan brother monks, Surya Das, Mel Weisman, Pat Phelan, head of Chapel Hill Zen Center, and many more. I have attended endless dharma talks over the years, and did my share of facing the wall. I have immersed myself in the works of Krishnamurti during this time. My immersion in his works led me to uncondition myself from zen training rituals. I am my own best teacher now. Self inquiry is my passion. I am immersed wholeheartedly. About two years ago, someone noted that I was trying to transcend myself. I started studying some native spirituality, attended a sweat lodge, and realized that I cannot transcend my humanity. I think this was a huge learning curve for me. Since then, I accept myself more readily, the mask is off…I have arrived. I am good enough. Of course, the work is never finished. I have set my intention to end with my last human outbreath, and who knows from there?

          I am a passionate doer. I agree that moderation is the key. I throw myself into everything intensely. I have learned the hard way about stepping back. I was my worst enemy. I had a huge awakening in a zen center, doing everything for everyone. A long story, but truly I had a breakdown of who I thought I was. That was a great turning point in my life a few years ago. I have since “left the building where the sheep herd resides.” I am becoming. I am becoming. Writing helps me alot. I used to enmesh in everything…get myself buried in spaghetti. Whew. Zen and Krishnamurti really opened my eyes to the cardboard character I had become. It took a lot of suffering to leave everything I knew late in life.


          • contoveros says:

            Sometimes it takes a “breakdown of who I thought I was” to realize “who you truly are.” Once that happens, you see the person “you want to be” has already begun . . .


  3. livvy1234 says:

    I have been doing my share with making change for 5 years full time regarding animal shelter abuse in the state of North Carolina. The “powers that be,” including the bureaucrats in high offices in the state of North Carolina continue to ignore shelter vet care for animals in pain inside of municipal shelters, and continue to allow gas chambers throughout the state as a means of euthanasia.

    Today, I wrote the Director of the Animal Welfare Section of the NC Dept of Agriculture asking who is enforcing GS 130 192. This statute was ammended in 2010 by Senator Floyd McKissick. The statute states that all animals that are impounded shall have a 72 hour hold period before killing them at North Carolina shelters. Well folks, the “statute” is NOT enforceable according to Dr. Lee Hunter, head of the NC Animal Welfare Section. I have his letter stating that the statute is not enforced by the Animal Welfare Section because nothing in the North Carolina Animal Welfare Act has anything about holding animals for a period of 72 hours. North Carolina animal shelter kill dogs when they “feel like it.” Case in point: Gregory Judd, a retired veteran’s lab retriever mix dug a hole under his fence and got loose. Animal control killed the poor dog in 24 hours. Shame.

    Let’s use the above example in the above paragraph to discuss why the VA is shafting small business owner and Marine veteran Rodney Marshall cannot get contracts with the VA? Obama’s 2006 law, “Veteran’s First” is a joke. I mean no disrespect to President Obama. He alone did not cause the misery our country is in. Each of us are responsible. (News and Observer posted article VA not doing it’s part to help, veteran says. Oct 23, Nation and World Section page 18 A – McClatchy Newspapers, David Goldstein)

    Young people are on the run. They do not have the time to sift through the internet news to learn what is happening to us. It is happening at warp speed and we have no way of stopping it. Artificial intelligence (internet) is doubling its information every 18 months now. Human beings are not capable of controlling technology. We were never meant to live like this.

    The entire “system” is going to erode our well being. Just take a look around.

    Uneforceable laws are being written. Why?


    • contoveros says:

      I don’t have the answers. We must do what we can without losing hope for a better tomorrow.

      Often, I have to step back from the rapid-fire newscasts and seek refuge in sources I know offer love and compassion. I recharge my inner self by blocking what is going on “out there.” Refreshed, I return with a more wholesome outlook and a little more courage to do daily battle.

      Don’t get overloaded because there’s only so much you can take before exploding or short-circuiting,

      I should know. I got post traumatic stress which I got to keep in check to avoid becoming one of those “crazed Vietnam veterans.”


      • livvy1234 says:

        Yes, I do back off from the news at times because of the intensity. I do find, though, that I cannot turn my head the other way for too long. Whatever drop of kindness we leave on earth each day is vital. If you have written any articles on the time you spent in Vietnam, or how you are dealing with the post traumatic stress, please point the way to where they can be read. I am still lost on WordPress.


        • contoveros says:


          There is something called a “Widget” that enables a Blogger to place links and categories for viewers to read about different topics by the author. My stories about PTSD (see the link I provided in this comment) appear on the right side of this page under the title, “Topic.”

          (God. I just noticed something. the first category I introduce to people is “anger.” I wonder what that says of where I have been since beginning this “journaling” since October, 2009?)

          Wish you clear sailing!


          • livvy1234 says:

            Thanks for bringing the widget to my attention. I am experiencing great joy writing on wordpress. Meeting and greeting others, and sharing viewpoints.


    • contoveros says:

      I read a post about wild dogs that I think you’d like.

      See: http://circleofmeditation.wordpress.com/2011/10/22/a-providential-encounter/ michael j


      • livvy1234 says:

        I just read the wild dog post. Very true. Dogs will die for their pet guardian. They are the only species that loves unconditionally. Humans love is conditional. I am still pretty new to WordPress and need to learn quite a bit how to maneuver around the site. Thank you for sharing this article.


        • contoveros says:


          Now how did a post about L O V E turn to thoughts of man’s best friend? (actually, three of woman’s best friends in your case, Livvy!)

          I don’t see how I got through a divorce without Willie’s help. I miss him, but just have to close my eyes and “feel” him and the warm glow the image of him still produces inside of me.

          Take my first wife, please. I’ll keep my dog, Willie, to occupy this Earth any old day, thank you!.


          • livvy1234 says:

            Extending lovingkindness to animals:

            What is a man without the beasts? If all the beasts were gone, men would die from great loneliness of spirit, for whatever happens to the beasts happens to man. Chief Seattle


  4. Tana says:

    Shared on my Facebook wall with this: “I ❤ Controveros. One of the benefits of writing again, has been meeting other writers like this man."

    Peace and love.


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